Code of Conduct

Messingwerk Plettenberg Herfeld GmbH & Co KG is a family owned business, which takes an ethical approach to business very seriously throughout the entire organization. As a basic rule Messingwerk Plettenberg acts in principle to abide in full by all laws and statutes in the relevant jurisdiction covering the countries and regions in which we operate.

Please do not hesitate to contact us for more information on our policy and guidelines concerning the following:

  • Health & safety.
  • Employee respectful treatment & development.
  • Integrity in dealing with our business partners.
  • REACH, ROHS and the environment.
  • Human rights.
  • Confidentiality & data protection.
  • Conflict materials.
  • Competition, corruption and ban on cartels.
  • Donations and sponsorship.



Whistleblower System - Reporting System

You can use our Whistleblower System ( to quickly and easily report actual or suspected breaches of applicable EU law and applicable national laws, human rights and environmental breaches of duty arising from activities in our own business area or that of one of our direct or indirect suppliers, as well as all breaches of our internal rules of conduct.

The confidential treatment of your identity is very important to us (for further information, please refer to the menu item "Privacy policy" in the system). Our Whistleblower System guarantees the greatest possible protection for both the reporting persons and the persons concerned by the report. Every report is followed up by specially trained persons.

If you report breaches honestly and in good faith you are protected. The Whistleblower System must not be used for false accusations. Reporting knowingly false information is prohibited.

Further information on our Whistleblower System you can find in the Whistleblower Policy.